Project 4_Haley, Annabelle, Paige, Myla
Project 4
Shapes: Parallelograms & Stars
Colors: Brown & Fuchsia
Haley's Design:
Annabelle's Design:
Paige's Design:
Myla's Design:
Performance Contributions
All four of the group members contributed to the creation of the performance through the process of sharing ideas and determining the sequence of the performance. Haley, Paige, and Annabelle acted as sketch artists during the performance, drawing two separate images connected through a common theme that reflected a particular memory from their childhood in relation to their memory of the event today. Myla acted as a narrator and illustrator during the performance by reading a poem about childhood matched with simple images representing specific lines in the poem. The lines and images during the read-aloud change during the second read-through, to convey the alteration of memory as we age.
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