Project 3_Haley Sherrell
It is damaging our environments and communities.
Solid waste landfills or garbage dumps are common sources of land pollution
Over the years, many of the designated landfills and dump sites have developed into potentially hazardous areas filled with commercial, industrial, household, medical, and some hazardous wastes.
Open dumps pose a risk to the health and safety of the communities and neighboring areas because of the potential contamination of drinking-water and the potential vector transmission of disease
While incineration of solid waste may reduce the infectious components present in waste, the process is associated with the release of carcinogenic and toxic compounds
The generation of waste and the collection, processing, transport, and disposal of waste constitute an important issue for both human and environmental health reasons.
Thus, various management strategies for solid waste must be considered.
There needs to be change
Bharadwaj, L., et al. (2006). Waste Disposal in First–Nations Communities: The Issues and Steps Toward the Future. Journal of Environmental Health, 68(7), 35–39,
Song: Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez
For this project I used, cross dissolve, opacity, scale, position.
I used a song that sounded sad and emotional because I wanted my project to appeal to the emotions of the viewers. I used white text for the most part, but then I also used red text to emphasize the words with negative connotation, and green with the words that had a positive connotation.
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