Post #1
As a first step for project 2, I browsed a free sound website to get some inspiration as to what I should do for my project. I clicked on the sounds and played them to see if I could come up with any ideas. I found a sound that played city ambiance and I decided I wanted to make a video that focuses on the sounds of a city and showcase the chaos.
Post #2
I have decided to match these sounds with an image of a city. I want this video to express anxiety. So I also want this photo to be of buildings that look like they are towering over you. I want the buildings to make you uncomfortable.
Post #3
I have put the sounds and this image into Premier to now layer the sounds and slowly add more and more sounds to create a chaotic environment and represent the feeling of anxiety. I also added a red tint to the image that will gradually get more opaque as the video goes on. This will represent a stressful feeling.
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