Project 2_Annabelle Kuhlmann
My project is titled "Music within the Rain". I chose this title because my project is based around wind chimes, rain, wind, etc. that all compile to compose a musical song. To incorporate my own sound I used glass jars with different amounts of water in them. I then took an object and tapped each jar. Depending on the amount of water is what type of musical pitch it imitated. They mimicked the sound of chimes, so I choose to make that one of my main sounds. To make the visuals more abstract/interesting, each clip of the jars had a different colored background. To do this I used a spotlight along with LED lights.
At the beginning of the video, the rain is calm and the wind chimes are quiet. As the video continues the rain gets heavier, the wind chimes get louder, and the wind begins to pick up. People outside quickly start running in order for them to get to shelter. Then, a loud "BOOM" and lightning strikes the ground. The weather forecast sends out a "Breaking News" message. Sirens begin to wale alerting everyone to stay inside.
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