Elements of 4D_Annabelle Kuhlmann


Elements of 4D 


 Time is the progression of events and existence from the past, present, and future. Although, there are many different ways to define time depending on how one approaches it. Time creates change. This is because all actions take place over time even minor actions create change. Humans often try to manipulate time, for example, trying to length one's life by implementing healthy habits. 
    Time in art is a tool that we as artist use to remind us of the limits of our own existence. There are multiple categories of time; measured time, experienced time, running time, biological time, and digital time. Measured time is when time is measured by regularly recurring events. Experienced time is the psychological disposition and attention of the participant. For example, experienced time will depend on if the person is bored, excited, etc. Running time is the length of an event such as a film. Biological time is measured with bodily functions; for example, when we feel awake or tired. Lastly, the most common, digital time is measured in milliseconds and is represented mostly in technology. For example, a clock on a phone or computer. It is up to the artist which type of time to use while creating their work. Depending on which one or more the artist uses will determine some changes and attributes to their work. 

Measured Time in art example: 

Title: Destroying Time 

Image result for Art Works Time 

What did you like or didn’t like? How/Why would this element work or be important as 4D art? What are your thoughts about the piece? What did you learn from the artwork? etc. 

    I like this piece of art due to the meaning behind it. I believe that this artwork perfectly represents "destroying time" as it shows the clock almost looking as if it was decaying. The element of time used in this work is important as 4D art because it allows the viewer to interpret the meaning better. I believe that this piece represents the element of time because the clock is changing over time and slowly crumbling away. I learned from this artwork that time can be represented in 4D through the action of change. 


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