Element of 4D_Alex Lyons
The article that begins with talking about some of the elements of 4D art. The topics were time, architectures/topography, light, movement, and sound. IT then explains how these are the "building blocks" of 4D art. He then goes into the main subject of time and how there are different categories. There was measure time, experienced time, running time, biological time, and digital time. In each of these paragraphs the definitions of each category was explained and how each of them were measured differently. We then had an interview with Melissa Haviland and her reactions with the two reiterations of White Gold.
Then the article goes into talking about Architecture/Topography. Game designers Jesse Schell stated "The primary purpose of architecture is to control a person's experience. When he said this I realized that most of games that I really enjoy have such amazing scenery and great architecture.
I liked this piece as an example of Biological time. In my interpretation this could either mean the countdown to when a women monthly menstrual cycle begins or the cooking time of a baby
#2 Sound
In the article that we were supposed to read, I read about how sound is vibrations perceived by the ear. How there are most human rituals have some sort of sound or music correlated with them. I also read how sound is categorized into several sounds, and we were given 4 to read. These 5 were categories were synchronous, nonsynchronous, asynchronous, diegetic, non diegetic. The article then explains each of these categories.\
Artist: Marius Watz
I like this piece because of the fact that it is a sound wave frozen in time, which is why the piece's name is "Frozen". This piece shows what vibration from sound look like.
#3 Movement
in this article that I read it stated how movement is the shift or variation in the location of an object, light or sound. the article then explained that there were 2 kinds of movement one being successional movement and oppositional movement. Successional movement leads the eye in one direction while oppositional movement contrast this with a clash of forces that then forces the eye on one direction
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